Showing 433 Result(s)

Aesthetic medicine products. Restylane for Nasolabial Folds: What To Expect and Results

Restylane offers a various dermal fillers for the treatment of nasolabial folds. Restylane is the classic choice for wrinkle filling, producing excellent results and having an established efficacy and safety profile. Restylane Refyne and Defyne are newer additions to the Restylane portfolio, which are both indicated for the correction of nasolabial folds. These products are …

Aesthetic medicine products. Upper Eyelid Dermatochalasis

The eyes are often one of the first areas of the face to show signs of aging, due to the delicate skin in this region. Loss of elasticity in the eyelid may result in what is commonly referred to as “hooding,” where excess, loose upper eyelid skin droops outwards and down onto the eyelashes. Age-related …

Aesthetic medicine products. Restylane for cheeks

The mid-face plays an important role when it comes to managing the signs of facial aging. In the cheeks, this is exemplified in the loss of malar fat pads, increased buccal hollowing, and descending ptotic cheek fat, which deepens the nasolabial fold and accentuates cheek concavity. Although doctors previously treated these signs of aging through …